Victoria's Archive

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


My weight Sunday was 198. I am hoping it is just water weight from all the bloody marys (tomato juice is high in salt), but I have been eating and eating and eating. Today I was over 200 and that's from four days of eating everything in sight. I'm doing the "alcorexia" thing today - drinking lots but not eating anything.

My half marathon on Sunday went well. I walked it because I'm fat and came in at 3:32:30. We had an exciting weekend. Saturday after church we were driving to the expo and were in the fast lane on the freeway when Brad's tire shredded. With the amount of traffic it was a minor miracle that we got over to the side of the road without being hit. He called for help and his insurance company sent out someone to put on the spare tire, but it was just a donut tire and not a regular one.

We used to donut tire to get to a Goodyear shop and buy a new tire. They said it would take 90 minutes, but I explained that we needed to get to San Jose before 5 pm (when the expo closed) and the 90 minutes became 30.  :)  Soon we were on our way again. I loved the expo and spent way too much money. I got my runner packet and bought a water bottle belt. At it's largest setting I could barely get it on. Damn, I'm fat.

The run went well, but it was really hot. I loved the volunteers misting with hoses at the water stops. At one point they handed out sponges soaked in ice water, and at the end there were small towels soaked in ice water. I mostly kept cool by pouring cups of water over my head at the water stops.

Oh...the inversion table I ordered came today. I told Brad to put it together for me so I can try it tonight when I get home from work.

He're to a better week ahead with my body eating itself for fuel...

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